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A.  All Portable Fire Extinguishers shall be:

1.  Fully charged. (see tag or gauge)

2.  Operable. (no defects)

3.  In their designated places.

4.  Conspicuously located and immediately accessible.

5.  Properly marked with type of fire fighting ability.

6.  Under 40 lbs and not installed with the top higher than five feet above the floor. 

7.  Appropriate to the area and located within 50 feet of the work area.

8.  Inspected at least quarterly to ensure their integrity and working order.

9.  Tagged to show the maintenance recharge date, and initials of person 
     performing  services. Log to be maintained by maintenance.

      10.  Hydrostatically tested every five years (date of last test stamped or marked on 
outside shell).